Art Direction, illustration, animation & speak. Made for ROCKWOOL Fondens Interventionsenhed.
Art Direction, illustration & animation. Made for ROCKWOOL Fondens Interventionsenhed.
An app for teenagers called 'n a k e i t' – it’s a safe photo app inspired by Snapchat that embraces teenagers’ practice of sharing nude photos with others. The concept is about letting teenagers explore and share their nudity in a safe space. By making it safe, intimate pictures are prevented from being shared to others than the intended receiver.
Art Direction, illustration & animation made for Boehringer Ingelheim.
Illustration and animation made for DR, RAMASJANG.
Art Direction, illustration & animation. Made for ROCKWOOL Fondens Interventionsenhed.
Makkerteori from ROCKWOOL Fonden on Vimeo.
On-boarding from ROCKWOOL Fonden on Vimeo.
Elevbyg from ROCKWOOL Fonden on Vimeo.
See more drawings here.